
Online Learning Workshops

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Development

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Teams and Leaders

Stephen Covey’s best selling and award-winning book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is STILL the “Go To” book for all those people who are committed to Continuous Personal Development. This workshop refreshes the 7 Habits and applies them to the roles of Individuals, Teams or Leaders who want to use proven concepts to shift their paradigm of life and work.

The first three habits surround moving from dependence to independence and self-mastery


1. Be PRO-Active

Take responsibility for your reaction to your experiences, take the initiative to respond positively and improve the situation. Recognise your Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern. Focus your responses and initiates on the centre of your influence and constantly work to expand it. Don’t sit and wait in a reactive mode, waiting for problems to happen (Circle of Concern) before taking action

2. Begin with the end in mind

Envision what you want to achieve in the future so you can work and plan towards it. Understand how people make decisions in their life. To be effective you need to act based on principles and constantly review your mission statements. Are you – right now – who you want to be? What do I have to say about myself? How do you want to be remembered?

3. Put First things First

Matrix of importance vs urgency that Stephen Covey and Dwight Eisenhower used in deciding where to invest their efforts. Categorising our tasks into what is important and what is urgent. Learning the art of prioritisation and over-coming all those “time-stealers” which distract us from achieving our Goals.

The next three habits talk about Interdependence and how we work with others


4. Think Win-Win

Genuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a “win” for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten their way. Think Win-Win isn’t about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Use empathetic listening skills to genuinely understand a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to be influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem-solving. Applying the skills of inter and intra personal skills of Emotional Intelligence.

6. Synergise

Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that no one could have done alone.

Continuous Improvement Culture

The final habit is that of continuous improvement in both the personal and interpersonal spheres of influence.

7. Sharpen the Saw

Balance and renew your resources, energy and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle, optimising wellbeing and building stress resilience.

The application of neuro-science enables us to manage our behaviours and attitudes and in turn we can learn how to manage how to optimise our Heart-Brain Coherence.

In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding.

Delegates will: –

➢ Learn how to manage their own Circle of Influence, in order to become more effective
➢ Consider the impact of learning how to become pro-active
➢ Learn how to adopt Positive Psychology into their lives
➢ Increase their understanding of the importance of “Taking Ownership” in any given situation
➢ Complete a Personal Leadership Style Profiling in order to identify their “natural” style and to identify how to apply the correct style of leadership to any given situation.
(Situational Leadership)
➢ Learn how to use Appreciative Inquiry and the Disney Creative Strategy Visioning Tools to enable collaborative “Buy In”
➢ Create excellent Planning and Prioritising Skills – both Personally (Time Management) and Organisationally
➢ Learn how to define what is “Urgent” and what is “Important”
➢ Learn and develop Professional Communication Skills: NLP, Transactional analysis, Empathic Listening 
➢ Learn how to handle Difficult Situations and how to defuse Conflict
➢ Be able to apply The ABC of Managing Behaviours
➢ Explore the causes of Conflict in the Team – and will identify their Thomas & Kilmann Conflict Style – find the Win-Win
➢ The 4 Theories of Motivation …and … how to choose the correct one!
➢ Increase their Self Awareness and Confidence in their Leadership Style
➢ Understand how our 8 Emotional Intelligence Behaviours stack up under pressure
➢ Learn how ‘Listen out’ for the 90% non-verbal communication
➢ Increase their understanding and reading Body Language
➢ Experiment as to how to Apply the ‘psychology of listening’
➢ Become aware of Self + Other Awareness in their Emotional Intelligence
➢ Gain a deep insight into personality types and the dynamic impact that diverse personalities have within a Team.
➢ Complete a British Psychological Society On-line Emotional Intelligent profile to develop “Self” and “Other” Awareness and to identify any Development gaps 
for the individual and organisation (Optional Extra) 
➢ Develop their personal Emotional Intelligence on their journey towards Emotionally Intelligent Leaders – applying Daniel Goleman’s principles of E.I. 
➢ Discover and develop the 8 Emotional Intelligence Behaviours and Attitudes
➢ Learn how to achieve “Buy-In” and how to create “Shared Visions” in their Team
➢ How to Model the Company Vision and Values within your Team
➢ Applying the “Art of Delegation”
➢ Explore; “Leadership, Followership and Conflictors!”
➢ How to create Winning Behaviours and Attitudes in our Teams
➢ Learn the principles and power of Positive Psychology
➢ Discover “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Teams – Leaders”
➢ Consider the importance of personal well-being – ‘beyond’ Mindfulness
➢ How to control your biorhythms and build stress resilience
➢ Learn the importance of developing a flexible leadership style and know when to use each style.
➢ Learn and Consider 3 Leadership models: John Adairs’ Active Leadership, Blanchard’s Situational Leadership and Tuckman’s Leadership Model.
➢ Learn how to create highly effective and functional teams (Lencioni)
➢ Learn the 4 progressive stages of Team dynamics and development
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Teams – Leaders
➢ Discover how to Build High Performance, Emotionally Intelligent, Teams
➢ How to turn Conflict into Collaboration – Managing Conflict in Teams
➢ Explore “The 5 Dys-Functions of a Team” – Creating a Functional Team
➢ Learn how to create buy-in of shared visions thus creating a motivated Team.
➢ Learn how to assess their own teams for functionality (Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team) – and will practice 5 skills to develop functional and high-performance teams.
➢ Learn to use the same Leadership and Team Working Principles which we have previously delivered to the Red Arrows 
➢ Participate in Experiential Activities in Team Building

Click Here for and overview of this life-changing programme

This 2-Day, CPD Accredited Workshop is £1,795.00 + VAT- for up to 12 delegates, in-house.

This is inclusive of preparation, materials, workbooks and trainers expenses

Hear what our Customers are saying about this workshop:


I just wanted to drop you a line regarding your delivery yesterday in Birmingham.

There are so many things which map directly to our company:

All of the 7 habits:

  • Be proactive. Take charge and assume responsibility, live life above the line both personally and professionally
  • Begin with an end in mind. Have a vision for what you are trying to achieve/the end goal and align your actions accordingly.
  • Put first things first. Prioritise and don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks/Issue creep
  • Think win-win. Build rapport and positive relationships to get the most out of a business relationship
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Active listening, take time to really listen to the other person and only then make recommendations or take actions. Listen to hear – and not ONLY thinking about what your next question is going to be
  • Synergize. 1 plus 1 equals 3, work as a team to produce better results – think interviews, searches, projects, planning etc. etc.
  • Sharpen the saw. Don’t work yourself to death, take time to recharge before setting off again. Clear mind, reflect, evaluate, and go again.

“Most importantly for me EQ helps to establish a mindset and understanding as well as behaviours and attitudes.”

“Brilliant, engaging delivery, looking forward to the next one already!!!” 

“This week, I had the opportunity to spend time with my colleagues from the Commercial Excellence team at the Emotionally Intelligent Leadership training course organised by Mobile Team Challenge Ltd (MTC Europe). I want to express my gratitude to Barry Bailey for conducting two days of captivating sessions. The training offered valuable insights into emotional intelligence and provided practical guidance on how we can enhance our effectiveness as leaders and improve our teams.”

“I cannot express enough how much this experience has positively influenced my personal growth and professional development. The course was incredibly enriching, filled with great insights and practical knowledge that I’ve found to be extraordinarily valuable. I believe that the knowledge I have gained will not only contribute to my current role within our team, but can also be applied across the wider business.”

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader


The Harvard Business Review has hailed emotional intelligence as 

“a ground-breaking, paradigm-shattering idea, one of  the most influential business ideas of the decade.” 

Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to recognise, understand and handle your own emotions, and those of the people around you. A development of Self Awareness and Other Awareness makes E.I. the critical personal development tool for those wanting to excel at Leadership and those wanting to create or participate in High Performing Teams. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they are feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people. 


Leadership research tells us that the lack of interpersonal skills and the inability to adapt are the two principal derailment factors in leadership careers.

With leaders in organisations spending up to 80% of their time talking and understanding others, changing the nature of how people communicate and work with each other can be the single most powerful way a leader can bring about performance breakthroughs.

Using Business Emotional Intelligence assessments combined with MTC Experiential and Accelerated Learning Techniques in our Leadership Programme enable organisations, of all sizes, to address leadership challenges such as:

  • Our senior management are not demonstrating the calibre we need to lead our future business...”
  • Post-merger the leadership team is struggling to work together…”
  • We need to build the skills of our operational leadership to embrace our changing workplace…”
  • New leaders have to be effective from day one in their role as a senior executive in this business…”
  • Founders of the business need to develop their leadership to match the people and sales growth…”

Emotional Intelligent assessments combined with Daniel Goleman’s leadership model provide a rich picture of the skills, capabilities and financial potential of an organisation’s talent.


Business Emotional Intelligence assessments for leaders provide:

  • Benchmarks against 5000 international leaders
  • Feedback on 8 critical emotional drivers and behaviours that predict success
  • A map to a leader’s most authentic leadership style (Visionary, Coaching, Democratic Commanding…)
  • Insights into blind spots that stop leadership potential
  • A blueprint to shift leaders’ ability to deliver results that achieve different outcomes.
  • A common language for developing and expanding the whole leadership culture to enhance global performance.

Lead Yourself, Lead your Team and Change your Culture by developing your Inter and Intra Personal Awareness

The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme

Our bespoke programmes, matched to your needs, assesses leadership capability and provides a supportive forum for leaders to quickly learn, reflect and grow.

A typical approach delivered online or face to face would include:

  1. Leadership Assessment & Coaching  – 1 to 1 leadership capability assessment and development.
  2. Leadership Masterclasses – Discover how the best leaders transform teams & organisations.
  3. Building Authentic Leadership Sessions  – A series of interactive sessions to explore how to use leadership to deliver different outcomes.
  4. Leading a Team – Practical workshops that explore how leaders empower teams to change how they work together.

Perhaps you are looking to create a high performance, emotionally intelligent, EMPOWERED SUPER Team? …if so…take a look at The 7 Steps to Empowered Teams from the Tanenbaum & Schmidt Leadership Continuum Model… and we’ll show you how you can apply it to your Team.

This programme enables organisations to assess their talent and boosts leadership capability by practically exploring the attitudes, mindset and behaviours that make leaders successful, whilst providing them with the tools and skills, to empower, inspire and influence people to maximise their potential and performance.

Distinctive Benefits and Outcomes


The success of this approach is the ability for our Facilitators (Fellow of  Leadership and Management ) to design a bespoke programme to suit your needs; from Aspiring Leaders and New Supervisors to Middle, Senior and Executive Management and Senior Leadership based around 90-day wave cycles of change that:

  1. Informs and benchmarks an organisation’s leadership talent and where to focus their investment
  2. Focus on helping participants to ‘learn by doing’, whilst building capability and new emotional behaviours
  3. Use live examples of issues to experiment with new emotional behaviours and focus on actions generating results
  4. Implement a series of reinforcing and embedding ‘nudges’ to develop and embed new behaviours (e.g. short cycle coaching, peer trios, relevant videos and reading material for deeper learning).
  5. Identify your preferred Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style

What is your dominant, Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style?

…and how do those around you react to it? 



Click Here to read further descriptions of the 6 Emotional Intelligence Leadership Styles.

Click Here to see if the video will help your Self awareness

Is that any clearer for you now?…if not…you can complete a British Psychological Society Emotional Intelligence Profiling Questionnaire and you will receive a 32 page Personalised E.I. Leadership Profile and one of our professional Coaches and Mentors will spend an hour over the telephone or Zoom coaching you on its full meaning for you.

Click Here to book a personalised E.I. Leadership Coaching Session

By focusing on the inter-personal and intra-personal we shift leaders’ capability to deliver different outcomes by providing:

  • Better self-insight & personal responsibility for leadership performance.
  • Better decision making and risk assessment.
  • Enhanced communication & cultural awareness.
  • Increased mental toughness.
  • More efficient teamwork.
  • More effective organisations.
  • Better business results!

Click Here to see a sample of an Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Personal Profile

We are now able to offer a choice from 4 different formats of Emotional Intelligence Profiling

CLICK HERE…  Emotional Intelligence interventions lead to zero reoffending in prisoners | EBW Global to read how 15 Women Prisoners have completed an un-precedented 3 years of ZERO re-offending after attending a programme of Behaviour-Changing Activities. These revolutionary concepts are changing Behaviours and Attitudes at EVERY level and in EVERY Sector.
Contact us today to hear how the development of Emotional Intelligence in You, in your Teams or Departments and in your Organisation can transform your culture.

On a scale of 1-10…Do you REALLY know how good you are at Managing Your 8 Emotional Intelligence behaviours below?


This 2-Day, CPD Accredited Workshop is £1,795.00 + VAT- for up to 12 delegates, in-house Plus £45 per person for a 29-page British Psychological Society accredited personalised Emotional Intelligence profile.

Increased Employability Workshops

What is Employability Training?

In brief… it increases your chances of securing a job by developing your “commercial attractiveness” to prospective employers.

In a world ravaged by a pandemic, redundancies and an increasing unemployment market – give yourself a competitive advantage and increase your employability.

While there will always be job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most recruiters will also want you to have some general skills. These general job skills are sometimes called “employability skills” or “soft skills”. Employability training identifies the job candidate’s employability skills, combines them with improved self-awareness, and prepares them for their job search.

During the lockdown, HM Government seconded Mobile Team Challenge’s CEO to participate in an All Party Parliamentary Group Think Tank focussed on “mitigating the unemployment crisis caused by the Covid Pandemic’.

As a consequence of this APPG, Chancellor, Rishi Sunak launched the KICKSTART Scheme – which included:

  1. Accredited Employability Skills Development for all people looking for a job.
  2. Incentives for Employees to take on “work-ready” people who have attended “Employability Training” Workshops

Having employability skills can help you get a job. They can also help you stay in a job and work your way to the top. Our Employability Workshops are designed to give you the best chance to gain employment whilst increasing your Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence, Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Motivating Skills and Personal Wellbeing.  

Whether you are looking for a new job, or an apprenticeship or traineeship or if you just want to increase your employability by earning a CPD Certificate in a new Skill – then this workshop is for you.

Why not add a CPD Accredited Qualification to your existing CV whilst in lockdown or on furlough to prevent “Skills-Fade”?

Question: Which of the skills below are the most critical to be developed when looking for employment?

Answer:ALL of them!

This Employability Workshop will develop ALL of these Skills

  •  Increased Confidence for Interview skills
  •  Increased Decision-Making – Choosing the right job
  •  Increased Self-Motivation, Optimistic and Positive
  •  Ability to persuade and lead people
  •  Ability to cope with change
  •  Increased Social-Skills & ‘Others’ Awareness
  •  Ability to be pro-active and organised
  •  Ability to cope with uncertainty with strong wellbeing
  •  Increased Self Awareness of Strengths & Personality
  •  Increased overall presence and professionalism  
Contact us today or click on the QR Code or link below to learn more about this FREE course in developing your Self Confidence and Self Belief. Unleash your inner potential.

Delegate Testimonials

  • “We need to be our own leader and change the way we think to get out of the circle of concern and into the circle of influence. It was helpful, useful and actually quite exciting”
  • “Was good, managed to learn something I didn’t know about self-awareness”
  • “This has changed by view on how to perceive a mistake”
  • “My mind is blown. Its changed part of my perspective on life. Its changed my view of failing.”
  • “It’s changed my view of thinking. When you see something as bad there is always a positive to it.”
  • “It’s given me perspective over my future and think about what I need to do to get there”.
  • Circle of concern: “This really opened my eyes and made me see more than just one thing”
  • “I feel much more positive about returning to school and more able to deal with any problems”
  • Matrix: “I found all of the work helpful but really liked the matrix, it has really helped to make me more organised when working”
  • Black dot: “This made me realise there is so much more around than one thing and made me feel more positive about things”
  • “The black dot made me realise there are a lot of positives when previously all I had thought about were the negatives”

If you need to increase your employability skills in a highly competitive job-market place – we can help…click below or call us on 0844 745 2120, we’d be pleased to talk to you.

OR …this might be a good time for you to consider becoming Self Employed?

…but perhaps you are not sure how to go about it…?

Our CBI Qualified Consultants can you advise you on all aspects of Setting Up your Own Business – or if you already have a business that has been badly affected by the pandemic and you need to “do something different…” but you’re not exactly sure…what? – then we can also offer this support via Zoom online sessions.

  • How to maintain a positive mindset during a pandemic
  • Starting your own Business – Business & Marketing Planning, identifying your USP’s and Added-Value, Pricing Strategies, Values, Mission & Vision Statements, Choosing your Channels to Market, Promotional Activities
  • Understanding Business Franchise Models
  • Full Business Start-Up Mentoring Online
  • Pivoting your current offering to become covid-compliant
  • Need help / advice with your current Business
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation…at its finest!

COST:  £35 + VAT per Workshop x 3 – 90 Minute Workshops = £105.00 + Personalised 32-Page BPS Emotional Intelligence Profile Report @ £35.00 + VAT

Click Here for further information

OR… a 32-page Personal E.I. Profile and a 1-hour 1-to-1 Feedback Review = £45 + VAT

To see our full range of Face to Face Full Day Emotional Intelligence Workshops
Or call us on 0844 745 2120

OR …this might be a good time for you to consider becoming a self-employed Mobile Team Challenge Platinum Partner

click below to find out more

Online Emotional Intelligence

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Do you know what your natural E.I. Leadership Style is?

Leadership research tells us that the lack of interpersonal skills and the inability to adapt are the two principal derailment factors in leadership careers. This module outlines the 6 E.I. Leadership Styles and gives an overview of the 8 E.I. Behaviours.

The Harvard Business Review has hailed emotional intelligence as “a ground-breaking, paradigm-shattering idea, one of  the most influential business ideas of the decade.” 

Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to recognise, understand and handle your own emotions, and those of the people around you. A development of Self Awareness and Other Awareness makes E.I. the critical personal development tool for those wanting to excel at Leadership and those wanting to create or participate in High Performing Teams. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they are feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people. 

Leadership research tells us that the lack of interpersonal skills and the inability to adapt are the two principal derailment factors in leadership careers.

With leaders in organisations spending up to 80% of their time talking and understanding others, changing the nature of how people communicate and work with each other can be the single most powerful way a leader can bring about performance breakthroughs.

Using Business Emotional Intelligence assessments combined with MTC Experiential and Accelerated Learning Techniques in our Leadership Programme enable organisations, of all sizes, to address leadership challenges such as:

  • Our senior management are not demonstrating the calibre we need to lead our future business...”
  • Post-merger the leadership team is struggling to work together…”
  • We need to build the skills of our operational leadership to embrace our changing workplace…”
  • New leaders have to be effective from day one in their role as a senior executive in this business…”
  • Founders of the business need to develop their leadership to match the people and sales growth…”

Emotional Intelligent assessments combined with Daniel Goleman’s leadership model provide a rich picture of the skills, capabilities and financial potential of an organisation’s talent.

Business Emotional Intelligence assessments for leaders provide:

  • Benchmarks against 5000 international leaders
  • Feedback on 8 critical emotional drivers and behaviours that predict success
  • A map to a leader’s most authentic leadership style (Visionary, Coaching, Democratic Commanding…)
  • Insights into blind spots that stop leadership potential
  • A blueprint to shift leaders’ ability to deliver results that achieve different outcomes.
  • A common language for developing and expanding the whole leadership culture to enhance global performance.

Lead Yourself, Lead your Team and Change your Culture by developing your Inter and Intra Personal Awareness

The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme

Our bespoke programmes, matched to your needs, assesses leadership capability and provides a supportive forum for leaders to quickly learn, reflect and grow.

A typical approach delivered online or face to face would include:

  1. Leadership Assessment & Coaching  – 1 to 1 leadership capability assessment and development.
  2. Leadership Masterclasses – Discover how the best leaders transform teams & organisations.
  3. Building Authentic Leadership Sessions  – A series of interactive sessions to explore how to use leadership to deliver different outcomes.
  4. Leading a Team – Practical workshops that explore how leaders empower teams to change how they work together.

This programme enables organisations to assess their talent and boosts leadership capability by practically exploring the attitudes, mindset and behaviours that make leaders successful, whilst providing them with the tools and skills, to empower, inspire and influence people to maximise their potential and performance.

SO….What kind of Leader are you??!

…or … what is your Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style?… are you a:

  • Affiliative Leader
  • Democratic Leader
  • Commanding Leader
  • Pacesetting Leader
  • Visionary Leader
  • Coaching Leader

…. or a combination of all 6 styles?…and do you know when to use each style in any given situation?

Have you ever profiled your entire Senior Leadership Team to identify what their natural leadership style /culture is?

The perfect Team has a collaborative combination of all 6 dominant styles and many organisations are using our E.I. profiling in recruitment exercises in order to ensure that the E.I. balance of the Team is always optimised.

Click Here to read about Daniel Goleman’s Six Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Styles

  1. Informs and benchmarks an organisation’s leadership talent and where to focus their investment
  2. Focus on helping participants to ‘learn by doing’, whilst building capability and new emotional behaviours
  3. Use live examples of issues to experiment with new emotional behaviours and focus on actions generating results
  4. Implement a series of reinforcing and embedding ‘nudges’ to develop and embed new behaviours (e.g. short cycle coaching, peer trios, relevant videos and reading material for deeper learning).
  5. Identify your preferred Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style

Delegates will participate in an on-line British Psychological Society Emotional Intelligence profiling which will create a personalised 29-page report.

  • Better self-insight & personal responsibility for leadership performance.
  • Better decision making and risk assessment.
  • Enhanced communication & cultural awareness.
  • Increased mental toughness.
  • More efficient teamwork.
  • More effective organisations.
  • Better business results!

On a scale of 1-10…Do you REALLY know how good you are at the 8 Emotional Intelligence behaviours below?

COST Per Person:  £45 + VAT per Workshop x 5 – 90 Minute Workshops = £225.00 now includes a Personalised 29-Page BPS Emotional Intelligence Profile + 1-to-1 Coaching Feedback

OR… a 29-page Personal E.I. Profile and a 1-hour 1-to-1 Feedback Review = £65 + VAT

Or call us on 0844 745 2120
To see our full range of Face to Face Full Day Emotional Intelligence Workshops
To see our full range of on-line CPD accredited workshops

Online PERMA: Mental Wellbeing and Stress Resilience

Behaviours PROVEN to promote Personal, Team and Corporate Resilience and Well-Being.

Earlier in 2020, it was found that poor mental wellbeing is costing UK businesses £45 billion each year and with the increase of concerns about the pandemic, that figure has, almost certainly, risen significantly throughout the year.

In addition to this, research shows that 11 million UK adults took time off due to poor mental wellbeing in 2020 (this figure is as at October 2020), yet only 38% of them felt comfortable being honest about it to their employer, while others cite physical health issues or simply take annual leave to avoid the conversation all together. Most employers said that mental wellbeing is a key priority for them, but many employees don’t feel that it is.

“It’s OK – NOT to be OK”

…or so the currently trending saying states. So there needs to be an acceptance and acknowledgement, without any attached stigma, that we can ALL probably benefit from some Wellbeing and Positivity being spoken into our lives and workplaces right now.

Q: So HOW do we encourage our employees, who we feel need to increase their wellbeing and stress resilience, to attend a “stress” workshop without it being seen as a stigma or a weakness?

A: Enrol the entire team or organisation onto the workshop so that it becomes an “Inclusive Experience” for all of your employees. From the statistics shown above, it suggests that more than 50% of our workforce would benefit from a Wellbeing and Positivity Workshop. (and the longer the pandemic continues, the higher this figure will become)

So by enrolling your entire team on the workshop you are:

  • being a responsible employer in providing for the wellbeing and mental health of your Staff
  • reducing the risk of increased “days off work” due to poor mental health – thereby protecting the efficiency and sustaining your profitable business
  • providing hope and positivity in a covid-world to your employees and their families
  • enabling your staff to spend quality “work time” to learn life-changing, and in some instances, life-saving concepts and principles
  • creating a ‘safe environment’ where your employees can be Honest, Open and Transparent with each other as to how they REALLY feel, which creates incredible team-bonding and self help in the support group
  • creating a culture which your staff will look back on as “that time during Covid when our Organisation offered outstanding support and we all looked after each other”.

It is during times like these when we form platforms on which to build:

  • Personal Resolve and Character
  • Personal Wellbeing and Resilience
  • Mental Safety for the attendees and their families
  • An enhanced awareness of the signs of “pandemic-fatigue” or depression – and a knowledge of how to build resilience against them
  • Memories of the great support the Organisation offered by providing a ‘mandatory’ Wellbeing Workshop – resulting in great employee satisfaction and company loyalty
  • Highly committed Super Teams with a formidable self-support ethos
  • Your new Company Culture and the infrastructure for the “new normal”

When we work under pressure for a prolonged period of time, whether it be caused by COVID-19 or sheer volume of workload with ever critical deadlines – there is a danger that our personal wellbeing and stress resilience will become overwhelmed and this can sometimes lead to even more serious mental illness. 

Don’t allow Covid to Steal your Happiness!

Neuroscience tells us that during times of stress and depression, our brain finds it difficult to create the “Happiness Chemicals” that our body needs to help us to survive the storm. This workshop will reveal the techniques of how we can discipline our thinking through Postivity so as to ensure that that our brain continues to produce the necessary levels of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphin which are the prerequisite weapons with which we fight stress, depression and increase wellbeing.

“It’s OK NOT to be OK”…as long as you have a plan to restore your Wellbeing and Mental Health…and this workshop is YOUR plan to do that….

This practical workshop has been designed to address the elements of the PERMA model as we build towards a healthy work / life balance. We will look at how stress can be managed positively (to produce achievement, meaning and relational quality) as well as how to avoid unnecessary dis-stress. There will be space for participants to intelligently assess and reflect on their current well-being. And there will be exercises and habits shared that can facilitate deliberate self-leadership towards “Performance under Pressure”.


‘A Life Changing Experience…’ (BUPA)

“Excellent course will recommend to others!!” (Superintendent NHS Leicester)

“Fantastic – very motivational…” (Lead for Patient and Staff Experience. Chelsea and Westminster NHS)

“This Wellbeing Workshop should be MANDATORY for ALL employees and teams. Whether we accept it or not…we are ALL being affected by this pandemic and the concepts learned in this Workshop can change lives, and in some instances, even SAVE lives”.

Session 1: Positive Wellbeing and happiness are part of the antidote to building healthy emotional and mental stress resilience. How to develop Positive Thinking Techniques
Session 2: Engagement with Love, Life, Work and Play. Are we above or below the line in our behaviours and attitudes?
Session 3: Relationship Matters: Understanding, Trusting and Valuing other people
Session 4: Meaning: How our neuro-sciences can affect our behaviours, attitudes and state of mind
Session 5: Accomplishment and Achievement – building a positive mental outlook.

Where are you in this graph? Returning to Work in a covid-world can have a significant impact on our confidence, wellbeing and stress resilience. The graph below helps us to assess where we are and how our emotions and attitudes can be affected by the uncertainty in the workplace.

These workshops will build Positive Psychology, Wellbeing and Stress Resilience in Individuals, Teams and Organisations.

Click Below to see a “Welcome to Wellbeing” Workshops video which gives an overview of expectations

Watch Course Designer Christen Forster give an overview of these 5 Workshops

COST:  £45 + VAT per Workshop per Person and the course comprises 5 x 90 minute Workshops for Individuals or Groups via 1-to-1 Coaching on Zoom

And for all of you who REALLY want to understand the neuroscience of the impact of stress upon your brain and, ultimately your wellbeing and mental health… CLICK HERE for a short video

Or call us on 0844 745 2120
To see our Face to Face Full Day PERMA Workshop
To see our full range of on-line CPD accredited workshops

Online Customer Service

Disney Customer Service Principles

Byte-Size Virtual Learning

Byte-Size Learning

Disney has won the “Best in Class” Award for their Customer Service Principles for the last consecutive 40 years across every sector. This e-programme gives an insight into the 10 things  Disney would do differently IF he ran your organisation. Our workshop facilitator for this session has trained Disney on innovation and has an entertaining and informative insight into the service culture within Disney from his time working with them in Florida. 

In a Survey of Senior Executives – over 6,000 Executives believed that understanding the Customer viewpoint was ‘very likely’ to lead to Customer Service ROI, viewing it as a key driver of increased efficiency.

“Local Organisations must design an experience that creates customer advocacy and establishes a total culture of service quality, from the top down, in order to deliver for customers. Focusing on, and measuring, the softer elements of Customer Service is key to achieving Customer Service ROI”

Disney has identified a level of Service BEYOND that of Excellence which they achieve consistently.

How to achieve the level ABOVE Customer Service Excellence

Click Here to see how Disney “does” Customer Service Excellence

  • Going Beyond Service Excellence to guarantee the Customer Experience
  • The 10 things Disney would do differently… IF he ran your Organisation
  • The Disney Principles of Service Excellence: What can we apply in our Organisation?
  • The 9 Principles of Service Excellence – The Service Gospel according to Disney
  • The 6 Keys to the Magic Kingdom – applying them to your Organisation
  • Group Activity: Customer / Customer Touch-Points
  • Experiential Activity: Seeing Your Organisation through the eyes of a Customer: Moments of Truth
  • Setting our Service Standards for our Organisation:  On a scale of 1-10: how would our Customers score us?
  • Self-Audit how do WE stack up against our Values
  • “Keeping the Customer Satisfied”
  • Experiential Activity: Self Audit – Measuring our Values
  • Creating a Culture where Transformation and Innovation Thrive

Integrating Empathy and Compassion into our Customer Care

  • Turning a Customer Service into a Customer EXPERIENCE
  • Understanding the Customer that we are Serving
  • Dealing with difficult Customers
  • How to turn Raging Customers into Raving Fans!

Developing Emotional Intelligence in our Customer Service

  • When Business Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence
  • Hard-Wiring Compassion and Empathy into our DNA
  • DeBono’s Thinking Hats – Challenging Personalities
  • Creating a Culture of Compassion and Empathy by developing our E.Q.

Overcoming The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

  • How to create Inspirational and Compassionate Teams
  • Teamwork Lessons from the Geese – DVD
  •  Creating a Disney Integration Matrix for our Values and Standards
  • Leadership, Followership and Conflictors!

Click Here for a 1-minute video about this workshop

Four x 90 Minute, CPD Accredited, Facilitated Modules @ £180.00 + VAT per person

How DOES Disney achieve “Best in Class” for Customer Service year on year on year?

Click the image below to see a short overview.

Delegates will:

  • Be inspired and motivated to shift their personal paradigm for Service Excellence
  • Consider your Company through the eyes of a Patient or Partner or Customer or Student
  • Learn the 3 vital ingredients to create a culture of innovation within your Company
  •  Develop a culture for Continuous Improvement
  • Explore Disney’s Principles of Service Excellence and Continuous Improvement
  • Create the “perfect service” utilising Appreciative Inquiry Planning tools
  • Learn how to apply Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence to their Customer Service
  • Consider the relevance of breaking down silos in order to achieve customer experience excellence through the efficiency of Functional Teamwork
  • Complete a Self Audit of their own perceived Service competencies
  • Explore Professional Communication Tools to enhance Service levels
  • Consider the Service Principles of FISH! – the Award Winning DVD on Service Excellence

Contact us to arrange 3 x 90 minute byte-size e-learning modules on Disney’s Service Principles of Excellence

COST:  £45 + VAT per person per Workshop = 4 x £45 = £180.00 + VAT

or Call us on 0844 745 2120
To view our full library on online workshops