
Military + Blue Light Workshops

Train the Trainer – Advanced Facilitation Skills using MTC Kit – Phase I

              MTC “Train the Trainer” Phase I Facilitator Training – 2 Days on-site

This Phase I qualification is the Entry-Level Course which enables the delegates to progress their learning and development skills and to allow them to access these other courses.

After attending initial Phase I training, your options are to advance to Phase II Facilitator Training, or Conflict to Collaboration Training, the higher level of Emotional Intelligence Training (“When Military Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence”) and our Performance under Pressure Course focussing on building Stress Resilience and Wellbeing.

All of these courses are CPD Accredited with 16 learning hours / points.

  • Phase I – 2 Day Course Content – Delegates will:
  •  Learn and practice the principles of Advanced Appreciative Inquiry Review techniques
  • Familiarise themselves with the MTC activities
  • Cover Health and Safety aspects of the kit
  • Cover PTLLs Principles of Course Delivery
  • Develop an understanding of the Physical, Environmental, Emotional and Personal challenges experienced during an MTC activity.
  • Become familiar with the MTC “Challenge by Choice” Concept and Experiential Learning Techniques
  • Learn how to apply Appreciative Inquiry Facilitation and Review Techniques
  • Learn how to design an outcomes-based MTC session
  • Explore and demonstrate how to accommodate Learning Styles
  • Learn how to design and to deliver a Motivational Workshop
  • Learn how to handle “difficult or non-responsive” delegates

                                                 Cost for up to 12 delegates = £1,940.00 + VAT

Includes all materials, workbooks, certificates and Trainer’s expenses but excludes VAT

David Cooperrider – The Founder of Appreciative Inquiry  – said….  “Appreciative Inquiry is a way of THINKING, SEEING and ACTING to bring about powerful, purposefulchange. Focusing on the Positive and Desired Future results and not the negative past results.”

Whether you are a Learning and Development Facilitator, a Leader of Change or responsible for Strategic Development and Direction within your Organisation, the Principles of Appreciative Inquiry are vital for your professional development in our current times. Email us now for your in-house A.I. Workshop 

Click Here for an Overview of  our Professional Facilitator Training utilising Appreciative Inquiry

Train the Trainer: MTC Performance under Pressure – Building Stress Resilience and Increasing Wellbeing in the Military

Applying Positive Psychology to increase our wellbeing and stress resilience
  •  NEW WORKSHOP – Train the Trainer: MTC Performance under Pressure – Building Stress Resilience in the Military – 2 Day CPD Accredited Course.
  • NOW also available on-line – Click Here for the online format

Tools, Habits and Behaviours based on Martin Seligman’s principles of Positive Psychology and PERMA – PROVEN to promote Personal, Team and Corporate Support, Resilience and Wellbeing.

When we work under pressure for a prolonged period of time, whether it be caused by COVID-19 or sheer volume of workload with ever critical deadlines – there is a danger that our personal wellbeing and stress resilience will become overwhelmed and this can sometimes lead to even more serious mental illness. 

This practical workshop has been designed to address the elements of the PERMA model as we build towards a healthy work / life balance. We will look at how stress can be managed positively (to produce achievement, meaning and relational quality) as well as how to avoid unnecessary dis-stress. There will be space for participants to intelligently assess and reflect on their current well-being. And there will be exercises and habits shared that can facilitate deliberate self-leadership towards “Performance under Pressure”.

To book your Team or Department onto this revolutionary workshop contact us now.

  • Delegates will:
  • Identify and learn how to apply and teach the principles of Positive Psychology
  • Identify how to sustain Peak Performance Under Pressure
  • Identify the positive outcomes of efficient time management and prioritisation techniques
  • Learn techniques which are “Beyond Mindfulness”
  • Self-Analyse the candidates Peak Performance Zone, Stress and Distress thresholds via personal biomedical demonstration utilising HeartMath bio-rhythm assessments.
  • Learn how to apply Emotional Intelligence in order to neutralise their dis-stressors
  • Identify how we can achieve the “abundance mentality” in the Workplace
  • Demonstrate how to achieve peak mental performance from a stressful state
  • Learn how to recognise stressors
  • Learn professional communication tools: Transactional Analysis, NLP, Appreciative Inquiry which reduce dis-stress
  •  Enable a candidate to create a Personal Action Plan to improve Lifestyle Inventory
  • Clarify Life Purpose and most important values so that a solid foundation can be built on which to base choices
  •  Learn how to deliver Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model
  •  Be guided through a re-focus exercise prioritising time and energy onto things about which there is passion and about which the candidate would complete with ease and joy
  • Investigate the key causes of stress and to do personal assessments of behavioural and communication styles which will increase their self-awareness of how their ‘style’ might be causing stress to others.
  • Create a personal environment and “state” where constant Self Renewal sustains constant Peak Performance and High Effectiveness
    Cost for up to 12 delegates = £ 1,940.00

Learn how to apply neuroscience to manage our emotional and mental wellbeing

Click Here for further information on our PERMA Workshops

You can now add to your CPD Hours by booking a ZOOM virtual Workshop

Where are you on this slide? – Are you in the FEAR Zone, the LEARNING Zone or the GROWTH Zone? – Who do you want to be during and post-pandemic? Do you know that you CAN still choose your behaviour and attitude – despite the anxieties and fears of COVID-19?

Increase your own well-being and emotional health by applying the principles of Positive Psychology into your life.

Click Here to visit our Online CPD Accredited Byte-Size Virtual Workshops

Coaching and Mentoring using the GROW Model

As a leader, one of your most important roles is to coach and mentor your people to work to their optimum efficiency. This will have a positive and profound effect upon; them as they continue to develop in their career, your organisation and you will soon be reaping the rewards from their enhanced skills and abilities, and you – if your team is highly motivated and have an appetite for their personal Continuous Personal Development…it will make you look good too!

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Dale Carnegie

Frequently, coaches train their people to a level higher than themselves. For example… is Tiger Wood’s golf coach and better golfer than Tiger? – No (although there was a time when Tiger’s form dipped when it became a close call!) . Coaches and Mentors have the ability to bring the best out in their people, which results in:

  • Increased levels of performance
  • Greater job / career satisfaction
  • Company loyalty of our People
  • Better decision making and enhanced Problem Solving skills
  • Increased levels of inspiration, motivation and energy
  • Clarified SMART Goals and Objectives
  • Increased Self Confidence through Successful Achievements
  • The application of Positive Psychology in our people

The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring your coaching  or mentoring  sessions and it is also a much sought after Leadership Tool which can be used in 1-to-1 Supervision Sessions, Performance Management and SMART Goal-Setting which changes lives and unleashed the full potential within individuals and teams.  

 Cost for up to 12 delegates = £895.00

Includes all materials, workbooks, certificates and Trainer’s expenses but excludes VAT

This workshop includes MTC experiential learning activities.

Click Here to visit our Online CPD Accredited Byte-Size Virtual Workshop Version of Coaching and Mentoring