Prisons, Young Offenders & Prevention

Mobile Team Challenge helps to reduce offending behaviour and changing the futures of inmates for the better

Prison, Young Offenders & Prevention

Mobile Team Challenge helps to reduce offending behaviour and changing the futures of inmates for the better

MTC’s Kits and Concepts are being used across over 40 Prisons and Young Offenders Institutes to deliver Behaviour-Changing Games which create Game-Changing Behaviour in individuals, teams and organisations.

From working with PRU’S with those at risk of offending partnering with Sports England and Get Berkshire active to reduce risks of offending or with Prisons and YOIs with those who have offended, MTC’s approach has shown to be highly effective and transformational. In some cases, leading to 0 re-offending rates! 

Whether the Group are looking to develop their Social Skills, such as; Respect, Self-Awareness, Other Awareness, Empathy, Self Confidence or Self Belief etc or are preparing for resettlement, MTC’s principles and concepts are making a huge impact.

Engaged at Every Stage

Nationwide Home Office Sponsored Projects minimising offending behaviour

Behavioural & Attitudinal Change Interventions

Increased Employability Skills Courses to provide Employment 


MTC have secured Home Office funding for Groups or Organisations who develop programmes who can positively impact Hate Crimes, ‘County-Lines Projects’, Street and Gang Knife Crimes, Community Crime Prevention Projects etc.

Our programmes Our programs have often been funded through grants and funding and we have several joint projects where we are working with groups in partnership with the Home Office where lasting, behavioural and attitudinal change is making incredible impact in individuals and communities. 

Whether the Young People are looking to develop their Social Skills, such as; Respect, Self-Awareness, Other-Awareness, Empathy, Self Confidence or Self Belief etc., MTC’s principles, interventions and concepts are making a huge impact and are, quite literally, changing lives and are restoring individuals and communities.

Prisons and Secure Settings

Mobile Team Challenge is seeing some outstanding results in its “Behavioural and Attitudinal Change” Programmes in Young and Adult Offenders and in prisons and detention centres across the UK. (See above Case Study) – 15 offenders were released over 3 years ago and NONE of the group have re-offended since.

Case Study: Emotional Intelligence interventions

MTC used the EBW Emotional Intelligence assessment and development report to conduct accurate ‘personal profiling’ of all attendees’ Emotional Intelligence levels at the beginning of the resettlement period.

After the initial Emotional Intelligence profiling of all prisoners using the EBW assessment, a series of our experiential games and activities were designed in order to increase their empathy within this cohort of prisoners. These activities, delivered twice a month, strongly focused on building respect and empathy during their 6-month resettlement training prior to their release.

Upon release, all attendees to the programme were monitored. Three years after the prisoners’ release, the results were astounding – NONE of the cohort of 15 prisoners had re-offended 3 years following the Emotional Intelligence interventions. 

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) confirmed to MTC that this result was “unprecedented” because the usual re-offending rate for all prisoners is “around 57%”. 

Read more.

Resettlement & Continued Support

Working with the DWP, MTC have created a programme of workshops (face to face and online) which are focussed on increasing the employability skills, social skills, emotional intelligence and confidence levels through positive psychology. These workshops are seeing great success in the placement of attendees into full-time jobs. (This training can also commence during resettlement whist offenders are still in detention.)


Prisons, Young Offenders & Prevention Workshops