Health Care

Applying Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology to our Patient Care to achieve better outcomes

Health Care

Applying Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology to our Patient Care to achieve better outcomes

Hamlet once said “We are living in extraordinary times and extraordinary times require extraordinary measures”. Although this statement is now 400 years old – it is probably even more relevant today than it was in Hamlets’ time; and never has the Health Care Sector seen such extraordinary times as these we are living in today.

Recent events have proved that even Hospitals are not immune from the pressures of the economic climate and the bastions of the NHS are now being threatened by a surging tide of Private Health Care organisations springing up offering a competitive service.

I dare say that Hamlet never had to find £22bn of Operational Savings or go cap in hand to the Government of the day for a further £8bn…or even worry about a 5 Year Forward View (5YFV).

Hospitals and Trusts in serious debt, investigations into poor practice, the patients now having a greater choice of where they get their health care, chronic under-staffing, on-going legacies of the Covid pandemic issues, increasing pressure to achieve Government targets etc – all seem to describe the “extraordinary times” in which we are living … which is why…we need strategies which will create “extraordinary measures” in order to thrive in such extraordinary times.


Empathy & Compassion

Even King Charles has recently suggested that… “Doctors must learn ‘Care and Compassion’. The Health Service must listen to its patients and be more caring.” This inevitably raises the question: “Are we doing enough to ensure there is sufficient empathy and compassion instilled throughout training in medical schools and in later hospital training?”

And, in an unprecedented move, the Chief Nursing Officer for England said; “Nurses will now be formally judged on the compassion they show in treating patients with dignity and respect”.

Extraordinary Measures Strategies

Our range of Workshops have been specifically tailored and designed to deliver “extraordinary measures strategies” to the Health Care Sector in order to achieve Patient Experience Excellence in our Hospitals and Care Homes and to ensure that our Health Care and Patient Care Professionals adopt the correct “Winning Attitudes and Behaviours” to embrace the current challenges, whilst increasing their Patient Focus and Patient Compassion.

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