Emotionally Intelligent Patient / Customer Service Excellence - Healthcare
Doing it Like Disney!

✔︎ In Person

Applying Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology to our Patient Care to achieve better outcomes
Skills you’ll gain:
✔︎ Customer Relations ✔︎ Communication ✔︎ Innovation ✔︎ Emotional Intelligence ✔︎ Leadership ✔︎ Insight ✔︎ Empathy ✔︎ Teamwork ✔︎ Continuous Improvement ✔︎ Appreciative Enquiry
- Service Excellence Paradigm Shift
- Customer / Patient – Centric Perspective
- Innovation for Service Excellence
- Application of Disney Principles and the Secrets of the Magic Kingdom
- Looking at YOUR Hospital through the Eyes of a Patient – Identifying the “Moments of Truth” and Touch-Points
- Adapting a Continuous Improvement Mindset
- How to deliver Emotionally Intelligent Patient Experience Excellence
- Developing Winning Behaviours and Attitudes
- How to protect our personal Wellbeing and how to “Perform under Pressure”
- Achieving the level ABOVE Customer / Patient Service Excellence
- Creating a Shared Vision for Customer / Patient Experience Excellence
- Team Synergy and Motivation
- Behaviour Management and Conflict Resolution – how to manage difficult Patients…and Colleagues!
- Earn a Professional CPD Certificate in Professional Patient Experience Excellence
The 10 things you would do Differently if Disney ran YOUR Hospital / GP Practice or Care Home
- Focus on what can’t be measured – Measuring the Patient Experience
- Paradox: Patient First is more efficient – Building Empathy & Compassion. Creating Winning Behaviours and Attitudes in our Departments
- Regard Patient Satisfaction as Fools Gold – The top 7 Drivers for Patient Satisfaction
- Measure to improve NOT to impress –
- De-centralise the Authority to say “YES” – modelling empowerment
- Change the concept of Work from Service to Theatre – The role of Emotional Intelligence
- Patient Engagement: Service with Empathy and Compassion
- Harness the Motivating Power of Imagination
- Create a climate of dis-satisfaction
- Create GREAT Teams!
The cost will be £975 + VAT for 1 day of training, for up to 15 delegates – includes; Workbooks, Pens, Materials, Preparation, Personal CPD Certificates and Trainers’ Expenses.
This course is also available as an Away Day – find out more here.
What If Disney Ran your Hospital, GP Practice or Care Home?
What IF … Disney ran your Hospital, GP Practice or Care Home?
- In a survey of 337 NHS Chief Executives and Chairs, 100% of NHS leaders concede that the NHS is not sufficiently customer focused at present.
- Of those, 65% said that a significant change in customer focus is required.
- The public agrees – 93% think it’s important for the NHS to pay more attention to customer service.
- Areas cited for improvement include friendlier staff, easier appointment booking systems, clearer information about treatment and better bedside manner.
NHS Next Stage Review stated: High Quality Care for All “The skills for listening, understanding and responding to the needs of individual patients and supporting them to manage their health in a manner that is respectful of diversity and difference must, wherever possible, be incorporated into education and training programmes.”
A FUN, Inspirational and Motivational 1 day Workshop for up to 12 delegates.
On Site for £ 975 + VAT
Disney has won the “Best in Class” Award for their Customer Service Principles for the last consecutive 40 years
… now these principles are delivering Patient Experience Excellence within the NHS and Care Homes across the UK…
The 10 Things you would do differently IF Disney ran your Hospital, GP Practice or Care Home
“…in an unprecedented move, the Chief Nursing Officer for England says nurses will now be formally judged on the compassion they show in ‘treating patients with dignity and respect’….”
Creating a Vision of Compassion and Patient Experience Excellence for all Health Care and Patient Care Professionals. Applying Compassion, Courage, Competency, Communication, Care and Commitment through Patient Experience Excellence through the creation of Patient Focused Winning Attitudes and Behaviours.
This workshop has been delivered to 58 NHS Foundation Trusts to date and attended by almost 4,000 NHS personnel. The content can be delivered in Classroom Workshops of up to 15 delegates, Away Day Conferences or Key Note Presentations. (See below for Testimonials)
What IF … Disney ran your Hospital, GP Practice or Care Home?
Apply the Disney Principles and the Six Keys to the Magic Kingdom to YOUR Patient’s Journey and achieve Service Excellence today
It’s ALL about…GUEST-OLOGY…treating our Patients like they are GUESTS or Customers…
CLICK HERE to see how Disney “does” Customer Service Experience Excellence
“Do it SO well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again – and they will want to bring others to show them how WELL you do what you do…”
Walt Disney.
Workshop Agenda
- What if…we did things Differently? …and What if…Disney ran your Hospital, GP Practice or Care Home?!
- Sprinkling the “Magic Kingdom” Dust: Disney’s Service Principles
The 10 things you would do differently if Disney ran your Hospital / GP Practice or Care Home - Seeing your Hospital / GP Practice / Care Home through the eyes of a Patient
- “Moments of Truth” – Jan Carlsson SAS
Group Activity: Patient / Customer Touch-Points – Mapping the Patient Journey – identifying “What is working well and where can we improve?” - Creating a Culture of Innovation and Service Excellence within your Hospital / GP Practice / Care Home
- How DO those guys do it? – Best Practice Principles of Innovation
Apple / Nike / 3M / HP / Disney / NHS - What does Patient Service Excellence Look Like?
- Appreciative Inquiry Group Activity: ‘Dreaming’ the Perfect Service Excellence Outcome
- Patient Service Excellence requires Functional Team Working
- Overcoming The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team – Working as a Functional Team for our Patients delivering Better Outcomes
- Developing Emotional Intelligence in our Patient / Customer Service
- Developing our levels of Compassion and Empathy with Emotional Intelligence
- DeBono’s Thinking Hats – Understanding Challenging Personalities: Colleagues, Partners and Patients
- Achieving Patient / Customer Service Excellence
- Applying the principles of KAIZEN – Continuous Improvement Thinking to our Hospitals’ / Practices’ DNA
- A Self – Audit of our current Service levels and practices
- Identifying and Understanding Personality Types
- The ABC of Managing difficult Patient / Customer Behaviour
- Transactional Analysis – professional communications
- Neuro–Linguistic Programming: Professional Communication Techniques
- Empathic Listening Techniques
- The 4 Principles of Achieving the Patient Excellence Experience – FISH! DVD
- Building personal Wellbeing and Stress Resilience with Positive Psychology
- Winning Behaviours and Attitudes – Working “Above the Line”
Click Here for a Preview of this Award Winning Video – FISH!
Delegates will:
- Be inspired and motivated to shift their personal paradigm for Service Excellence
- Consider your Hospital / Practice through the eyes of a Patient or Partner or Customer
- Learn the 3 vital ingredients to create a culture of innovation within Health Care
- Explore Disney’s Principles of Service Excellence and Continuous Improvement
- Learn and practice the principles of KAIZEN – Continuous Improvement
- Create the “perfect service” utilising Appreciative Inquiry Planning tools
- Consider the relevance of breaking down silos in order to achieve patient experience excellence through the efficiency of Functional Teamwork
- Consider how to apply the 6C’s within Community Healthcare Commitment, Competence, Communication, Courage, Compassion and Care
- Complete a Self Audit of their own perceived Service competencies
- Explore Professional Communication Tools to enhance Service levels
- Consider the Service Principles of FISH!
- Discover the optimum Culture required for Patient Experience Excellence
- Gain an increased awareness of the role of Emotional Intelligence within Health Care
- Learn the 10 Principles of Disney Excellence applied to their Hospital
- Create flip-charts of “kaizen” improvement projects, tasks and SMART objectives which will turn their “Dream” of Patient Experience Excellence into a REAL strategy and Action Plan which will have complete “buy-in” of the Team
- Become more energised, motivated and challenged to focus on delivering Excellence in their Patient Experience duties
Click Here to download an overview of this highly popular workshop
To increase Customer / Patient Satisfaction Levels across all Wards and Departments within the Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Mobile Team Challenge were the sole provider of this training – initially with the Outpatients Department and then Accident and Emergency and then several more departments within the Hospital before it was taken up across the whole of the W. Midlands.
We have now trained over 500 personnel within BCH, as well as over 600 personnel in NHS Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (and approximately 4,000 Nationally). Both projects were identical – the objective was to raise the Patient Experience to one of Patient Experience Excellence by “Doing it like Disney!”. This was carried out by way of 1 day highly interactive workshops with the delegates creating the “perfect Patient Experience Excellence” using the Disney Creative Strategy and then they turned the “dream” into reality with each workgroup creating their own vision (which aligned to the overall vision of the NHS Trust).
Following a Care Quality Commission Audit of Birmingham Children’s Hospital 3 months after our Customer Service Experience Workshop, the CQC awarded it the HIGHEST grade than any other Hospital – “Outstanding”.
Dear Barry, I probably ought to be lodging a protest! Since the training course, I have had a steady stream of staff at my door. Each and every participant spontaneously felt that they ought to come individually and tell me how fantastic your course was! They felt really motivated, learnt a lot and really enjoyed the day. I can see that you may become a regular feature of the training of the pharmacy department!
Thank you (Chief Pharmacist and Head of Medicines, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS)
“Received great feedback again – you are REALLY making an impact and it is fab” (Team Leader: Professional Education & Corporate Learning, Education and Learning Team, Birmingham Children’s Hospital)
“Best Training EVER!” (Senior Pharmacist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital)
“I AM SO MOTIVATED!! … I hope my colleagues are too! 🙂” (E-Learning Supervisor, Birmingham Children’s Hospital)
“Amazing day, the best training session I have attended in a long time. Look forward to putting my learning into practice. I feel much more focused” – (Clinical Lead, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust)
“A VERY motivational and inspirational day…” (Divisional Director of Operations for Clinical Support Services at Chelsea and Westminster NHS)
“Fantastic – very motivational…” (Lead for Patient and Staff Experience. Chelsea and Westminster NHS)
“Absolutely amazing experience/training…” (Service Improvement Lead, Chelsea and Westminster NHS)