
Creating a Positive Future for our Young People


Creating a Positive Future for our Young People

MTC is founded on facilitated activity-based learning, which is proving extremely effective in engaging young people. There are two dynamics to the activity element that work well with this generation, the first is the simple principle of “I see, I know”versus  “I do, I understand” (which works for all ages) and the second is the disproportionate psychological benefit of the gamification of learning to the generation brought up with smart phones and social media. When well facilitated there are much deeper and potentially uncomfortable lessons and truths can be brought home in play environment because the brain and emotions are subconsciously in a state that is more open to learning through failure and competition.

To get a bit more technical, all the facilitation and coaching we do in framed in the Appreciative Inquiry model pioneered by David Cooperrider. This approach makes real sense to younger generations, looking as it does to create group engagement with change towards a group owned objective without the need for externally imposed coercion and incentives.

 A.I is of course a double edged sword, because corporate strategies are very often imposed and enforced in ways that undermine the buy in and creativity bubbling upwards. In an organisation it is important that the psychological roots of A.I are understood and embodied if you want to enjoy the fruits. With our students, though, our focus is to simply teach leadership that understands the dynamics from the start and so does it naturally as they are given future responsibility.

Behaviour-Changing Games creating Game-Changing Behaviour in Individuals

The work we are doing with Young People has now been divided into 2 threads.

For over 20 years, the Mobile Team Challenge experiential learning equipment and CPD accredited personal development workshops have been adopted by many hundreds of youth organisations, schools, colleges and universities worldwide to create a positive and lasting change in the lives of the children and young people they support. Now, more than four hundred organisations worldwide look to the Mobile Team Challenge solution to provide them with powerful on-site activity and development programmes to create a positive future for their young people. One of the keys to the success, effectiveness and widespread use of the MTC approach is it’s power to engage, challenge and educate in a 100% interactive way. Used by all agencies involved with youth and community development and education it provides a unique and widely utilised resource. This includes Schools, Youth Offending Teams, Education and/or Social Services departments, Positive Futures projects, Police Forces, Military Outreach programmes, Rehabilitation Centres, Connexions Partnerships, Correctional Centres, Youth Justice Organisations, Health Authority, Local Authority, Probation, Youth Services, and the voluntary sector.

“Behaviour-Changing Games delivering Game-Changing Behaviour in Individuals, Teams and Organisations”

Community Projects

MTC’s Kits and Concepts are also being used across 40 Prisons and Young Offender Institutes to deliver Behaviour-Changing Games which create Game-Changing Behaviour in individuals, teams and organisations. From working with PRU’S with those at risk of offending or with Prisons and YOT’s with those who have offended, Case Studies prove MTC’s outstanding results in totally eliminating re-offending in a re-settlement group within a Prison and Home Office Sponsored projects working with Street Gangs, Hate Crimes and Knife Crimes across the UK. Whether the Group are looking to develop their Social Skills, such as; Respect, Self-Awareness, Other Awareness, Empathy, Self Confidence or Self Belief etc or are preparing for resettlement, MTC’s principles and concepts are making a huge impact.

The Home Office have provided funding applications for any Group or Organisation who develop programmes who can positively impact Hate Crimes, ‘County-Lines Projects’, Street and Gang Knife Crimes. MTC programmes are eligible for 100% funding in most situations and we have several joint projects where we are working with groups in partnership with the Home Office where lasting, behavioural and attitudinal change is making incredible impact in individuals and communities.

The 7 Steps of Behavioural and Attitudinal Change Community Projects


Contact us today to see if your Community Project is eligible for Home Office funding or to enquire about a FREE, in-house, demonstration of these life-changing and life-saving concepts.

Working Together

MTC understands that organisations need to work together to solve the whole problem. Throughout their educational journey and into their youth and beyond to employment in the workplace, extensive feedback from MTC users confirm that the tools we provide play an important, and in some cases, a critical role in the success of initiatives that address the following areas of concern.

  • Individual development and life skills
  • Employment prospects and social skills
  • Youth Offending and Re-offending (and Prevention)
  • School and Social Exclusion
  • Substance Abuse
  • Truancy
  • Homelessness
  • Family Problems
  • Poor Health
  • Mental Health
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Poor Academic Performance
  • NEET Students
  • Traineeships and Apprenticeships Development
  • Development of employability and ‘work-ready’ skills
  • Building Respect and Trust
  • The principles of Decision Making, Leadership and Teamwork
  • Increasing Self Confidence, Self Belief, Self Esteem, Self Awareness and Motivation
  • Creating Winning Behaviours and Attitudes with Positive Psychology
  • Developing and Applying Key Skills Stages 3-5

Used both inside and outside of a wide range of youth and community organisations around the world, MTC works to resolve the above issues effectively providing the following benefits.

  • MTC is a catalyst that gets even the most apathetic and resistant of young people to really “Engage in Learning”.
  • It provides numerous opportunities for positive assessment, which is used constructively and deliberately to build self-confidence, self esteem and personal self-worth for young people.
  • It improves skills in decision-making, problem-solving, planning, assertiveness and self-control and these have been proven to reduce Youth Offending and other destructive behaviours.
  • It enhances thinking, personal and inter-personal skills and, unlike many sports, MTC is accessible to everyone regardless of age, physical or mental ability or skill level. It therefore provides a “level playing field” on which young people can have fun, learn and develop more positive, constructive and socially acceptable behaviours.

For further information on our Students and Young People development workshops please contact us.

MTC for youth practitioners

Delivering professional Young People Interventions
and Youth Development Sessions 

If you are responsible for young people interventions, be it, community groups / gangs or be it development of Cadets or Youth Development – we have the kits, concepts and courses to equip you to deliver a transformational sessions.

Military and Blue Light Organisations deliver excellent outreach programmes and MTC have worked with them both. Within Fire and Rescue organisations, they are working on the following projects :

  • Fire Setters / Fire Stoppers
  • Reducing Arson
  • Reducing Hoax Calls
  • Developing Fire Cadets + Princes Trust delegates
  • Reducing Anti Social Behaviour in your County
  • Working with Street Gangs
  • Providing Life Skills for Young People
  • Delivering Projects such as Phoenix or Crime & Consequences Programmes
  • Providing Safety Advice
  • Increasing Hope, Belief and Positivity in Young People
  • Developing Leadership, Team Working, Respect, Problem Solving, Self & Other Awareness, Self Esteem & Belief, Crisis Management, Emotional Intelligence concepts in Cadets and Young People (and your adult Staff)

Whether your Military Outreach or Fire & Rescue Service is working on the development of your Cadets or Princes Trust delegates or Young People Interventions and Street Gangs, MTC has significant experience and Home Office recommendations in the role as specialists in creating “Winning Behaviours and Attitudes” in young people. 

ACFs, CCFs and ATC

RAF Motivation Outreach Team This year alone, MTC has worked with the Outreach Teams from Scotland, the North West, Coventry and Redruth and this has required us to tailor an MTC Training session specifically for the Outreach Teams where we have called upon our vast resources and experience in working in the Youth Sector. We have now worked with over 200 Youth Associations, Schools, Colleges, Universities, ACFs, CCFs, ATC’s as well as over 50 HMP and Young Offender Institutes, and all of these establishments have found MTC equipment and philosophies to be life changing in many instances. Many Schools and Colleges are applying the MTC concepts across all walks of education; from Prefect/ Head Pupil Training to Cadet Leadership Training including Social Skills and Enterprise concepts. The benefits to the pupil are many:

  • Key Stage 4 and Enrichment are two areas where MTC is making learning FUN for students.
  • Seeing amazing results in the increase in self-esteem, self confidence, self belief, self awareness, respect, motivation, Key Stage 4 Skills, Social Skills.
  • Developing the individual emotional intelligence capacity to develop self awareness of personality styles, and helping them in their personal and domestic relationships with conflict management techniques.
  • Increased decision making, effective problem solving and Team Working skills
  • Developing self-worth in job seeking and “back to work” initiatives for students
  • Personalising students’ learning experience – from 10 -19 year olds.

YOUTH Workshops

For information about our work with at risk young people and crime prevention click here.