Welcome to the MTC Modular Leadership Academy, an innovative CPD Accredited program designed to transform your leadership capabilities through a blend of face-to-face and online modules. Our academy offers a comprehensive leadership development qualification focusing on Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, ensuring you gain the skills and insights needed to lead effectively in today’s dynamic environment. By integrating assignments, tasks, and public speaking presentations, our program not only imparts knowledge but also hones practical leadership skills, aligned closely with the Institute of Leadership and Management’s Level 5 Qualification.

Our curriculum encompasses a wide range of essential topics tailored to develop high-performing, emotionally intelligent leaders. You will explore the principles of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Teams, and Leaders,” learn to foster complete “Buy-In” with Shared Vision Techniques, and identify your unique Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style. Further, you will master key areas such as setting SMART goals, conducting performance reviews, strategic planning, and the art of delegation and empowerment. Our modules also cover critical aspects of professional communication, time management, continuous improvement, and managing stress and wellbeing in the workplace.

Choose from our comprehensive range of modules to build a Leadership Course that aligns with your organisation’s goals fosters the growth of your future leaders.

Module ONE: Emotional Intelligence Profiling

Emotional Intelligence Profiling (Accredited by the British Psychological Society).
All delegates will receive a 29-page personal E.I. Profile which
 identifies individuals strengths and areas for development and will also serve as a Training Needs Analysis.

i.e. If there are training needs across several people in the cohort, the content of the programme can be tailored to include these specific topics.
Any individual, personal areas can be covered in the Team coaching sessions.

Sample EI Profile

Module TWO: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Teams and Leaders
Introduction to the MTC Leadership Academy Programm

Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” remains a cornerstone in personal development. This workshop combines Covey’s principles and Emotional Intelligence Behavioural markers to help individuals, teams, and leaders develop sustained high-performance.
This course is the foundation of the Modular Leadership Academy.

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Module THREE: Leadership vs. Management
“What is Leadership?…and what is Management?…and how do they differ? + Time Management & Prioritising”

Delegates will have some pre-module work to do for this course. The task will be to analyse their time management – and which “Quadrant” are they spending most of their time in? 

Module FOUR: Creating and Developing High-Performing, Emotionally Intelligent SUPER Teams

Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to recognise, understand and handle your own emotions, and those of the people around you. A development of Self Awareness and Other Awareness makes E.I. the critical personal development tool for those wanting to excel at Leadership and those wanting to create or participate in High Performing Teams.

More about this course.

Module FIVE: Identifying Your Dominant Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Style
+ How to read and understand personality types

Delegates will have some pre-module work to do for this course. The task will be to analyse their E.I. Leadership – and to get some 360 Feedback on their style.

Module SIX: Strategic Planning and Leading Through and Beyond Change

Creating a Culture where Innovation and Empowerment Thrive, Practising The Art of Delegation and Empowerment

How can organisations change at the speed of imagination? Skilled facilitation of Change Management using Appreciative Inquiry results in high-energy collective buy-in at all levels of the organisation along with the enthusiasm, motivation, and energy to move forward quickly.

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Module SEVEN: Professional Communication and Presentation Skills
Managing and Chairing Highly Effective Meetings

Delegates will be asked to lead 6 experiential learning tasks – applying and practising the skills already covered in the first 3 modules.

Module EIGHT: Presentation Assessment 

Delegates will prepare a short PowerPoint presentation (applying the principles covered in Module 7 – and will present to a panel

Module NINE: Coaching and Mentoring

Using the GROW Model + Conducting Performance Management Reviews / Feedback + Setting Strategic Goals, Objectives and KPI’s + Project Management Overview

As a leader, one of your most important roles is to coach and mentor your people to work to their optimum efficiency. This will have a positive and profound effect upon; them as they continue to develop in their career, your organisation and you as a leader – if your team is highly motivated and have an appetite for their personal Continuous Personal Development this also reflects on you as a leader.

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Module TEN: Key Account Development

Developing Business Opportunities by ‘selling the added-value’ + How to turn Conflict into Collaboration within our Teams and Accounts

Forget the “Hard Sell!” Learn the latest in ‘Strategic’ & Consultative Selling techniques. Want to build repeat business from existing customers? Learn the 10 Steps of Key Account Development. Learn how to develop your Negotiation & Influencing Skills.

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Module ELEVEN: Doing it Like Disney!
Managing and Sustaining Customer Service Excellence and Stakeholder Relationships

Disney has won the award for Best in Class for Customer service for almost 40 years. This workshop looks at WHY while exploring the Principles of the Magic Kingdom and take in the award winning FISH! video as we focus on Service Excellence.

“If we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will”

-Edgar Mitchell

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Module TWELVE: Building Resilience

Managing Stress, Maintaining Wellbeing & Performing Under Pressure

“Stress is likely to become the most dangerous emerging risk to business in the early part of the 21st century”… so says the Association of Insurance and Risk Managers. In this workshop we discuss the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Building Resilience and maintaining Performance under Pressure.

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Our team brings a wealth of diverse leadership experience, enabling us to tailor our programme to meet the unique needs of your organisation. By working closely with you as consultants, we help craft the perfect academy program that aligns with your goals. As your partners, we are dedicated to your success and committed to fostering an environment where your leaders can thrive and excel.