Train the Trainer: PHASE I - Facilitation Skills

Using MTC kit for Transformational Learning and Development

✔︎ In Person

PHASE I – Advanced Facilitation Skills is about equipping learners to go from teaching information to facilitating transformational growth through Experiential Learning using MTC equipment.

This Phase I qualification is the Entry-Level Course – enabling delegates to progress their learning, development skills and to allow them to access the next level of courses.

Skills you’ll gain:

✔︎ Experiential Facilitation ✔︎ Appreciative Enquiry

The cost will be £1,940 + VAT for 2 days of training, for up to 12 delegates – including all preparations, trainer’s expenses, and materials.

This course is INCLUDED with the purchase of Performance Course and Performance PLUS Course kits.

Train the Trainer: PHASE I - Facilitation Skills

After attending initial Phase I training, your options are to advance to Phase II Facilitator Training, or Conflict to Collaboration Training, the higher level of Emotional Intelligence Training (“When Military Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence”) and our Performance under Pressure Course focussing on building Stress Resilience and Wellbeing.


All of these courses are CPD Accredited with 16 learning hours / points.

  • Phase I – 2 Day Course Content – Delegates will:
  •  Learn and practice the principles of Advanced Appreciative Inquiry Review techniques
  • Familiarise themselves with the MTC activities
  • Cover Health and Safety aspects of the kit
  • Cover PTLLs Principles of Course Delivery
  • Develop an understanding of the Physical, Environmental, Emotional and Personal challenges experienced during an MTC activity.
  • Become familiar with the MTC “Challenge by Choice” Concept and Experiential Learning Techniques
  • Learn how to apply Appreciative Inquiry Facilitation and Review Techniques
  • Learn how to design an outcomes-based MTC session
  • Explore and demonstrate how to accommodate Learning Styles
  • Learn how to design and to deliver a Motivational Workshop
  • Learn how to handle “difficult or non-responsive” delegates

David Cooperrider – The Founder of Appreciative Inquiry  – said….  “Appreciative Inquiry is a way of THINKING, SEEING and ACTING to bring about powerful, purposefulchange. Focusing on the Positive and Desired Future results and not the negative past results.”

Whether you are a Learning and Development Facilitator, a Leader of Change or responsible for Strategic Development and Direction within your Organisation, the Principles of Appreciative Inquiry are vital for your professional development in our current times.