Train the Trainer - Emotional Intelligence

When Military Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence

✔︎ In Person

Update yourself with the MTC activities which are focussed on enhancing Emotional Intelligence.

Skills you’ll gain:

✔︎ Experiential Facilitation ✔︎ Emotional Intelligence ✔︎ Self-Awareness

The cost will be £1,940 + VAT for 2 days of training, for up to 12 delegates – including all preparations, trainer’s expenses, and materials.

Train the Trainer: Emotional Intelligence

  • Need to have successfully completed MTC Phase I training before completing the Emotional Intelligence course
  • Practice the advanced principles of Appreciative Inquiry and the 4D Review techniques
  • Update themselves with the MTC activities which are focussed on enhancing Emotional Intelligence
  • Learn the principles of Emotional Intelligence and how to apply E.I. to MTC activities
  • Learn the impact of intra and inter-personal Emotional Intelligence
  • Learn how to deliver the key principles of Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence and how to coach delegates’ to apply the learning into their daily duties.
  • Learn how to deliver MTC activities to demonstrate the 8 Emotional Intelligence Behaviours
  • Receive a personal Emotional Intelligence Profile Report – recognised and endorsed by the British Psychological Society (An Optional feature of this course is for each delegate to complete a British Psychological Society questionnaire creating a 29-page personalised E.I. profile at a cost of £45.00 + VAT per delegate – this also includes a 1-to-1 coaching review with each delegate)
  • Learn how to map out the Emotional Intelligence of Teams, Departments and Organisations

Click Here to view a Sample E.I. Profile – When Military Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence 

How do your 8 Emotional Intelligence Behaviours hold up when you are working under stressful conditions?