Emotionally Intelligent Student / Customer Service Excellence - Doing it Like Disney!
What if Disney Ran your University / College? - Giving Value for Money on the Student Journey

✔︎ In Person

This Workshop focuses on how to apply Disney’s culture of Service Excellence into our Students’ Journeys. It covers an in-depth analysis of every “Moment of Truth” where a Student or a Potential Student can form an opinion of your College or University based on their experience and it prepares a strategic “Analyse, Fix / Improve, Measure” process of Student-Facing activities in order to ensure Student Experience Excellence.
Skills you’ll gain:
✔︎ Customer Relations ✔︎ Innovation ✔︎ Teamwork ✔︎ Strategic Planning
- Be inspired and motivated to shift their personal paradigm for Student Experience Excellence
- Consider your University through the eyes of a Student and create an Action List of improvements
- Learn the 3 vital ingredients to create a culture of innovation within your University
- Learn the 10 things which they would do differently…if Disney ran their University
- Explore Disney’s Principles of Service Excellence and Continuous Improvement and learn how to apply them to their University
- Create the “perfect Student Experience Excellence service” utilising Appreciative Inquiry Planning tools
- Increase the “Value for Money” through Service Excellence principles
- Learn how to build and/or contribute to high performance teams within the University
- Consider the relevance of breaking down silos in order to achieve Student Experience Excellence through the efficiency of Functional Teamwork
- Complete a Self-Audit of their own perceived Service competencies
- Explore Professional Communication Tools to enhance Student Service levels
- Consider the Service Principles of FISH! – the Award Winning DVD on Service Excellence and apply them to your University
- Be awarded with a CPD Certificate in Customer / Student Experience Excellence
Part 1: Importance of service excellence in higher education
Part 2: Understanding Value for Money in Education
Part 3: Applying Disney’s Principles of Service Excellence
Part 4: Strategic Analysis and Improvement Planning
Part 5: Creating a Culture of Innovation and Excellence
Part 6: Enhancing Teamwork and Communication
“Doing it like Disney!!”
Sprinkling the “Magic Kingdom” Dust: Disney’s Service Principles
- Going Beyond Service Excellence to guarantee the Student Experience
- The Disney Principles of Service Excellence: What can we apply in our University?
- The 9 Principles of Service Excellence – The Service Gospel according to Disney
- The 6 Keys to the Magic Kingdom – applying them to your University
- The route to Student Experience Excellence is via Innovation – “Innovation in Action”…but is that THREE words…or TWO Words in your Universityl? 😊
- Creating a Culture where Transformation and Innovation Thrive
The 10 things you would do Differently if Disney ran YOUR Hospital
- Focus on what can’t be measured – Measuring and analysing the Student Experience
- Paradox: Student First is more efficient – Building Empathy & Compassion. Creating Winning Behaviours and Attitudes in our Departments
- Regard Student Satisfaction as Fools Gold – The top 7 Drivers for Student Satisfaction
- Measure to improve NOT to impress –
Seeing your University through the eyes of a Student
- “Moments of Truth” – Jan Carlsson SAS – the “Moments of Truth” and Student Touchpoints
- Identifying your University’s USP’s
Group Activity: Student / Customer Touch-Points
- Moments of Truth / The 15 Steps Strategy / Agile / Lean Thinking – Measuring Student Satisfaction
- Setting our Service Standards for our University: On a scale of 1-10: how would our Students score us?
- Self-Audit how do WE stack up against our Values
Student Engagement
- De-centralise the Authority to say “YES” – modelling empowerment
- Change the concept of Work from Service to Theatre – The role of Emotional Intelligence within the University – Student Engagement: Service with Empathy and Compassion
Integrating Empathy and Compassion in our Student Journey
- Turning a Student Service into a Student EXPERIENCE
- Understanding the Student that we are Serving
- Dealing with difficult Students
Developing Emotional Intelligence in our Student / Customer Service
- When Academic Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence
- DeBono’s Thinking Hats – Understanding Personality Types
- Creating a Culture of Compassion and Empathy by developing our E.Q.
7.Harness the Motivating Power of Imagination
Creating a Culture of Innovation, Service and Student Experience Excellence
- How DO those guys do it? – Apple / Nike / 3M / Disney
- The 3 Ingredients for Innovation for Higher Education
- Disney’s Creative Strategy – “Dreaming the Perfect outcome”
8. Create a climate of dis-satisfaction
- Understanding and applying the principles of Lean Thinking and Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) into our University
- Achieving and Sustaining THE Standard of OUTSTANDING
9. Create GREAT Teams!
- The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team – The Importance of working as a TEAM to deliver Student Experience Excellence
- How to create Inspirational and Compassionate Teams
- Teamwork Lessons from the Geese – DVD
10. Close the gap between KNOWING and DOING
- Creating a Disney Integration Matrix for our Values and Standards
- Creating an Action Plan for your University to implement and deliver a ’10 out of 10′ Student Experience utilising Appreciative Inquiry “Dreaming” Techniques
The cost will be £975 + VAT for 1 day of training, for up to 12 delegates – including all preparations, trainer’s expenses, and materials.
Student Experience Excellence
Are you providing “Value for Money” for your Students?
The current squeeze on funding, the increase in competition, the greater demands for excellence from Students who now have a greater choice where to gain their education, revealing NSS league tables, the increasing fees – all demonstrate that the Further and Higher Education Sector has possibly never known such “extraordinary times” as those in which we are living today – confirmation then that “extraordinary measures” are required.
As Universities across the Country begin to focus more on commercial strategies as the competition increases it is vital that your University delivers Service Excellence and outstanding Student retention and satisfaction levels in order for their offering of further education to remain competitive and for the students to perceive that they have received good “Value for Money” in the face of Students fees increases.
In a competitive Higher Education Market, it is essential that any differentiator of courses offered or product is leveraged to its maximum in order to gain the advantage.
When services and products become similar – it is the excellence of the Service offered which plays a major deciding influence. But when the day arrives when every University offers Student excellence – it will be the Universities who can offer the “next level of service” who will sustain their success.
It is their experience which Students will remember and talk about to others.
This Workshop focuses on how to apply Disney’s culture of Service Excellence into our Students’ Journeys. It covers an in-depth analysis of every “Moment of Truth” where a Student or a Potential Student can form an opinion of your College or University based on their experience and it prepares a strategic “Analyse, Fix / Improve, Measure” process of Student-Facing activities in order to ensure Student Experience Excellence. The workshop looks at WHY? Disney has won the award for Best in Class for Customer service for over 30 years. We explore the Principles of the Magic Kingdom and take in the award winning FISH! video as we focus on Student Experience Excellence. Delegates will compete a Service Improvement Plan during the workshop. Creating a Culture of Student Experience Excellence What IF ……. Disney ran your University?
Disney has won the “Best in Class” Award for their Customer Service Principles for the last consecutive 40 years
Now these principles are delivering excellence within Further and Higher Education Establishments across the UK
Measuring your Students Experience – NSS The “bar” for Student Service Excellence and Experience is getting higher each year for Universities to achieve.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England reported that: “Students are more satisfied with their experience at UK universities or colleges than at any time in the eight years of the National Student Survey (NSS), with 86 per cent saying they are satisfied overall with their course in this year’s survey.”
This inspirational and motivational 1 day workshop will explore:
- The 10 Things that Disney would do differently if he ran your University
- The 9 Principles of Service Excellence – How does Disney “DO” Customer Service?
- The 6 Keys to the “Magic Kingdom”
The workshop will be interactive with group and experiential activities
Doing it like Disney – Universities Challenged!
Workshop Agenda
What if…we did things Differently? …and What if…Disney ran your University?!
- Who are your ‘Customers’ and the Stakeholders of your University?
- Who are your Competitors?
Experiential Activity: Paradigm Shifter – Thinking Differently about Student Service
Seeing Your University through the eyes of a Student
- “Moments of Truth” – Jan Carlsson SAS – We only have ONE opportunity to make a FIRST Impression on our Students…what would their first impression be?
- Identifying our Competitors and our Clients / Partners
- How do our “Touchpoints” impact our Students’ “Moment of Truth”?
- Seeing our University through the eyes of our Students.
- Identifying areas for improvement for Student Satisfaction within our “Touchpoints”
- Is our University really offering “Value for Money” to our Students?
- Self-Audit – How does our University measure up now? – Current State
- Creating a Culture where Kai-Zen (Continuous Improvement) Thrives
Group Activity: Student Touch-Points – Mapping the Student Experience
How to Create a Culture where Innovation and Customer Service Excellence thrive and become
part of the “DNA” of your University
It’s about:
- Choosing the correct Leadership Culture across the University
- Empowering University Staff to make decisions which positively impact the Student’s Experience and Journey
- Eliminating any “Blame Culture” which may exist within the University
- Developing the Emotional Intelligence of your Student-Facing Staff – increasing, Self and Other Awareness
- Creating an environment where a passion for Student Experience Excellence Thrives
- “Visioning” what a ’10 out of 10′ Student Experience of Excellence would look like by developing a Shared Vision for Excellence
Sprinkling the “Magic Kingdom” Dust: Disney’s Service Principles
- The 10 Things that Disney would do differently if Disney ran your University
- Disney’s Award Winning’ Service Principles of Service Experience Excellence
- What are our Service Standards for “Student Experience Excellence?”
- How do our OWN Levels of Service Excellence Stack Up??
Group Activity: A Self Audit “Where are we Now?…on a scale of 1-10?”
Creating a Culture of Innovation and Service Excellence within your University
- How DO those guys do it? – Best Practice Principles of Innovation
- Apple / Nike / 3M / HP / Disney / Harvard
- Defining and applying the 3 ingredients of REAL Innovation into your University
Student Experience Excellence requires Functional Team Working
- The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team – Working as a Functional Team for our Students
10 Lessons of Teamwork – from The Geese – Video
- Applying Winning Behaviours and Attitudes to our Student Experience
- DeBono’s Thinking Hats – Understanding Challenging Personalities
Experiential Activity: Levitation Challenge
Identifying and Understanding Personality Types
- The ABC of Managing difficult Student Behaviour
- Transactional Analysis, Neuro–Linguistic Programming: Professional Communication Techniques
When Academic Intelligence meets Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial in achieving customer service excellence for several reasons:
- Understanding and Managing Emotions: EI helps Student service representatives recognise and manage their own emotions, preventing negative feelings from affecting interactions with students. This self-awareness allows them to remain calm and composed, even in stressful situations..
- Empathy: One of the core components of EI is empathy, which enables representatives to understand and relate to Students’ emotions. This understanding fosters a connection with students, making them feel valued and heard.
- Effective Communication: EI enhances communication skills by promoting active listening and appropriate responses. Student-Facing Staff with high EI can better interpret student/ customer needs and respond in a way that addresses both the emotional and practical aspects of their concerns..
- Conflict Resolution: High EI equips representatives with the skills to de-escalate conflicts and handle difficult situations gracefully. By managing their own emotions and understanding the student/ customer’s perspective, they can find solutions that satisfy both parties.
- Building Customer / Student Loyalty: Positive emotional interactions lead to higher student / customer satisfaction and loyalty. When students /customers feel understood and appreciated, they are more likely to return and recommend the service to others.
- Improving Team Dynamics: EI also benefits the internal dynamics of customer service teams. Student-Facing Staff who are emotionally intelligent can collaborate more effectively, support each other, and create a positive work environment.
Incorporating EI into student / customer service training can significantly enhance the overall student /customer experience, leading to better outcomes for both the students and the University. By increasing the 4 Emotional Intelligent behaviours and attitudes… we build our abilities to impact our Relationship Management which is critical to developing Student Service Experience of Excellence.
Experiential Activity: Navigating the Impasse
Designing the ’10 out of 10′ Student Experience of Excellence at our University
- Utilising the Appreciative Inquiry and the Disney Creative Strategy to design a Student Experience of Excellence. Delegates will map the Student Journey of the Future and will identify specific ‘Improvement Projects’ for the delegates to be involved with and to implement post-workshop.
What does Student Service Experience Excellence Look Like?
- The Disney Creative Strategy – designing the Perfect 10 Student Experience Excellence
- Dreaming the Student Service Experience of Excellence
Group Activity: The Perfect Student Experience Excellence Outcome – Future State – using Appreciative Inquiry
The 4 Principles of Achieving the Student Excellence Experience – FISH! DVD
- Choose your Attitude
- Play!
- Make their Day
- Be There for them
The FISH video / DVD has gone on to be the best selling training video/DVD of all time. Here is an extract from the Pike Place Fish web site: “For us it means going beyond just providing outstanding service to people. It means really being present with people and relating to them as human beings. We take all our attention off ourselves to be only with them…looking for ways to serve them. We’re out to discover how we can make their day. We’ve made a commitment to have our customers leave with the experience of having been served. They experience being known and appreciated whether they buy fish or not. And it’s not good enough just to want that – it takes an unrelenting commitment. We’ve made it our job to make sure that experience happens for every customer.”
These same FISH! Principles are now being applied to Universities and Colleges throughout the UK
Click Here for a Preview of this Award Winning Video – FISH!
Workshop Outcomes – Delegates will:
- Be inspired and motivated to shift their personal paradigm for Student Experience Excellence
- Consider your University through the eyes of a Student and create an Action List of improvements
- Learn the 3 vital ingredients to create a culture of innovation within your University
- Learn the 10 things which they would do differently…if Disney ran their University
- Explore Disney’s Principles of Service Excellence and Continuous Improvement and learn how to apply them to their University
- Create the “perfect Student Experience Excellence service” utilising Appreciative Inquiry Planning tools
- Increase the “Value for Money” through Service Excellence principles
- Learn how to build and/or contribute to high performance teams within the University
- Consider the relevance of breaking down silos in order to achieve Student Experience Excellence through the efficiency of Functional Teamwork
- Complete a Self-Audit of their own perceived Service competencies
- Explore Professional Communication Tools to enhance Student Service levels
- Consider the Service Principles of FISH! – the Award Winning DVD on Service Excellence and apply them to your University
- Be awarded with a CPD Certificate in Customer / Student Experience Excellence
Click here to download an overview of this inspirational workshop: Creating Student Experience Excellence.