Increased Employability Workshop

Getting Work Ready

✔︎ In Person

While there will always be job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most recruiters will also want you to have some general skills. These general job skills are sometimes called “employability skills” or “soft skills”. Employability training identifies the job candidate’s employability skills, combines them with improved self-awareness, and prepares them for their job search.

Skills you’ll gain:

✔︎ Communication ✔︎ Increased Self Confidence ✔︎ Increased Self Belief ✔︎ Increased Self-Esteem ✔︎ Self & Other Awareness ✔︎ Emotional Intelligence ✔︎ Decisiveness ✔︎ Self-management

The cost will be £975+ VAT for 1 day of training, for up to 12 delegates – including all preparations, trainer’s expenses, and materials.

What is Employability Training?

In brief… it increases your chances of securing a job by developing your “commercial attractiveness” to prospective employers.

In a world ravaged by a pandemic, redundancies and an increasing unemployment market – give yourself a competitive advantage and increase your employability.

While there will always be job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most recruiters will also want you to have some general skills. These general job skills are sometimes called “employability skills” or “soft skills”. Employability training identifies the job candidate’s employability skills, combines them with improved self-awareness, and prepares them for their job search.

During the lockdown, HM Government seconded Mobile Team Challenge’s CEO to participate in an All Party Parliamentary Group Think Tank focussed on “mitigating the unemployment crisis caused by the Covid Pandemic’.

As a consequence of this APPG, Chancellor, Rishi Sunak launched the KICKSTART Scheme – which included:

  1. Accredited Employability Skills Development for all people looking for a job.
  2. Incentives for Employees to take on “work-ready” people who have attended “Employability Training” Workshops

Having employability skills can help you get a job. They can also help you stay in a job and work your way to the top. Our Employability Workshops are designed to give you the best chance to gain employment whilst increasing your Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence, Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Motivating Skills and Personal Wellbeing.  

Whether you are looking for a new job, or an apprenticeship or traineeship or if you just want to increase your employability by earning a CPD Certificate in a new Skill – then this workshop is for you.

Question: Which of the skills below are the most critical to be developed when looking for employment?

Answer:ALL of them!


This Employability Workshop will develop ALL of these Skills

  •  Increased Confidence for Interview skills
  •  Increased Decision-Making – Choosing the right job
  •  Increased Self-Motivation, Optimistic and Positive
  •  Ability to persuade and lead people
  •  Ability to cope with change
  •  Increased Social-Skills & ‘Others’ Awareness
  •  Ability to be pro-active and organised
  •  Ability to cope with uncertainty with strong wellbeing
  •  Increased Self Awareness of Strengths & Personality
  •  Increased overall presence and professionalism  

Delegate Testimonials

  • “We need to be our own leader and change the way we think to get out of the circle of concern and into the circle of influence. It was helpful, useful and actually quite exciting”
  • “Was good, managed to learn something I didn’t know about self-awareness”
  • “This has changed by view on how to perceive a mistake”
  • “My mind is blown. Its changed part of my perspective on life. Its changed my view of failing.”
  • “It’s changed my view of thinking. When you see something as bad there is always a positive to it.”
  • “It’s given me perspective over my future and think about what I need to do to get there”.
  • Circle of concern: “This really opened my eyes and made me see more than just one thing”
  • “I feel much more positive about returning to school and more able to deal with any problems”
  • Matrix: “I found all of the work helpful but really liked the matrix, it has really helped to make me more organised when working”
  • Black dot: “This made me realise there is so much more around than one thing and made me feel more positive about things”
  • “The black dot made me realise there are a lot of positives when previously all I had thought about were the negatives”