Winning Behaviours – Training your Mind

Winning Behaviours: Training your Mind

After a great performance, athletes have described a feeling of being “in the zone.” In this state, they feel invincible, as if the game slowed down, the crowd noise fell silent and they achieved an incredible focus on their mission. What is this Superman-like state and how can players enter it when they most need it?
Like the feeling of being moved down a river by the current, this positive groove has been described as a “flow.” In fact, Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi, psychology professor at Claremont Graduate University in California, coined the term in his book, “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” (Harper & Row, 1990).

Creating those Winning Behaviours in your Team – by knowing HOW to get your Team into the Peak Performance Zone and how to develop mental strength so as to ensure that they are able to live Above the Line.

Click here to read an overview of this motivational workshop